Post by Batdan on Jul 13, 2005 17:53:42 GMT -5
Which All-Star No. 1 cover did you buy and why?
I bought Batman because I refuse to buy both and if I have to have one, it's gotta be the big guy.
Post by reideen1313 on Jul 13, 2005 18:05:36 GMT -5
Batman here too.
Post by vishman007 on Jul 13, 2005 18:16:14 GMT -5
I got Robin, didnt really like the Batman one.
Post by dienekes96 on Jul 13, 2005 18:32:00 GMT -5
I'm no huge fan of Robin, but he takes up less space on the cover, so I get to see the Bat-signal. And I have tons of Batman covers And I, too, refuse to spend money on alternate covers. I played that game (sort of) in the early 90's. It stunk then. Robin it is, Chuck
Post by vishman007 on Jul 13, 2005 18:41:11 GMT -5
Not only did batman and robin have 2 covers, but both ultimate fantastic four and ultimate x-men had alternate "limited edition" covers. The guys at the comic book store had already set aside the ult x-men alt cover (1/15 ratio), no doubt to sell it at a higher price. They tried to pull the same stunt before with astonishing x-men, and when I questioned them about it, they took it out of the bag and gave it to me at cover price.
Post by reideen1313 on Jul 13, 2005 19:25:34 GMT -5
The guys at the comic book store had already set aside the ult x-men alt cover (1/15 ratio), no doubt to sell it at a higher price. They tried to pull the same stunt before with astonishing x-men, and when I questioned them about it, they took it out of the bag and gave it to me at cover price. My store does that every week. Since I really don't care about 'special' covers, I don't mind, but I can see how frustrating that would be. Mine also just upped their price on Minimates from $5.95 to $7.95 for a regular box - the chase was $9.99 and it's now $12.99. When I asked one of the employees about the price increase, they said "Gee, I don't know..." I guess I'll start shopping online more. I can get a discount and get everything all at once.
Post by Batdan on Jul 13, 2005 21:25:58 GMT -5
I'm no huge fan of Robin, but he takes up less space on the cover, so I get to see the Bat-signal. Yeah, I'm with those who actually liked the Robin cover better. But I just couldn't pick him over Batman when it came down to it. I will say this though: The composite of the two is almost like a modern-day version of the cover of Batman No. 1, which I suspect was the point. I also suspect later printings or a TPB will use the composite image or a version thereof.
Post by HUSH on Jul 13, 2005 22:32:38 GMT -5
I bought Batman; I actually decided not to buy both about 5 minutes away from the comic shop, and I wouldn't want to buy a first issue of any Bat-title if it didn't have Bats on the front.
Post by Arkham16 on Jul 13, 2005 23:33:34 GMT -5
First issue of a new batman comic book so it had to have bats on it. It wasn't an easy decision but there was loyalty due to batman.
Post by beyondreal on Jul 14, 2005 14:31:20 GMT -5
both simpley because there both great its a brand new comic.
Post by jasontodd2 on Jul 14, 2005 16:40:50 GMT -5
I have a pull and save at my comic store (Web Head in Wakefield MA) and I just got the cover Dean gave me, which was Robin. Fine by me, oh by the way that comic was off the charts...AMAZING
Post by jasontodd2 on Jul 27, 2005 20:27:22 GMT -5
I know have both covers, after looking at the one with Robin on it for awhile I decided I really needed to have the one with Batman on it!
Post by All Star Batman on Jul 27, 2005 22:23:37 GMT -5
Batman Comic-Batman Cover
Post by the_killing_joke on Aug 22, 2005 17:16:05 GMT -5
I bought both but prefer the Batman one Great comic too!
Post by anewkindofdarkness on Sept 21, 2005 14:48:26 GMT -5
Robin because the others ran out
Post by Batdad2 on Sept 26, 2005 17:08:19 GMT -5
I bought both but prefer the Robin cover.